Instrument Nominated for Two Webby Awards

Instrument has been nominated for two Webby awards for our partnerships with Eames Institute and BlackSpace - in the Architecture and Activism categories, respectively.
For nearly three decades, the Webby Awards have recognized the Internet’s leading innovators and creators. It’s an honor to have work that we are so proud of to be recognized among the top five in the world in their categories, and we’re motivated as ever to keep producing work that helps shape a better future.

The Eames Institute of Infinite Curiosity—Where the Lessons of Ray and Charles Come to Life
Ray and Charles Eames laid the foundation for modern design and created work that has transcended time. With an aspiration to bring the Eameses’ timeless methodologies to a modern audience, the Eames Institute enlisted Instrument to co-create a digital platform to unveil their vast collection to the world.

BlackSpace - Manifesting Black Futures
BlackSpace demands a present and future where Black people, Black spaces, and Black culture matter and thrive. As our 2022 Build. Grow. Serve. pro bono partner, we partnered with BlackSpace to create an evolved brand, design system, and a reimagined digital experience that empowers BlackSpace to scale their mission and organization into the future they are building.
Congratulations to all who are nominated, and thank you to the Webbys for the recognition of this meaningful work.